
I am a homebody. I need a very good reason to go outside. I think it is mostly due to my laziness and partly due to my enjoyment of being alone. Today I had a good reason  (ran out of paint), which led me to go out after hours of lingering in the house. I could see from my windows that it was a beautiful sunny day, but I didn’t realize I was wearing too many layers of clothing until I stepped out of the house. I had to take off my light jacket and my beanie (yes, I was wearing a beanie!!) which was to cover my messy hair. And it was definitely a shorts and no-socks kind of day. I don’t know if it was equally hot yesterday since I didn’t go outside yesterday, but today, it was properly HOT. I announce today as the first day of summer or at least for me : )

Even though I was not-so-glamorously sweating around town on my bike, I had a lovely day. After picking up the paints, I met up with Mattie near Republic for a late lunch/early dinner date at a hamburger joint. Then we met up with some friends for a drink next to Saint-Martin. I can already smell holidays in the air.











– My bike and I.
– Our table side at Blend.
– Yellow gameboy.
– Mattie and his yellow gameboy. He was at a boss stage and had to continue playing.
– No evidence. You can’t see in the photo, but we had some sweet potato fries, which I was surprised and happy to see on the menu. It reminded me of Father’s Office in Santa Monica.
– A sky view from where I was seating at Chez Prune next to Saint-Martin.
– On the bike ride back home, I peeked inside the closed gate of Musée Galliera.
– Riding. Shooting while riding is probably not recommended.

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