Tag "bike"


Mattie and I are getting ready for the tandem trip, which we will depart tomorrow. This will be our fourth trip on our handsome tandem. Our previous trips were around Dordogne in southwestern France. This time we are planning out trip in Pays basque (French Basque Country). I hear it is beautiful down there, but also mountainy. We shall see : )

The trip will be about 10 days long. We don’t really plan much about our path. All I know is that we will bike, enjoy the nature, pick fruits and vegetables, swim naked in the river, take naps under the trees, visit stunning villages and camp in the wild.

I won’t be able to post here while I’m on the trip, but I’ll update on Instagram from time to time so follow our trip there : )




The picture above from our previous trip. 

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I am a homebody. I need a very good reason to go outside. I think it is mostly due to my laziness and partly due to my enjoyment of being alone. Today I had a good reason  (ran out of paint), which led me to go out after hours of lingering in the house. I could see from my windows that it was a beautiful sunny day, but I didn’t realize I was wearing too many layers of clothing until I stepped out of the house. I had to take off my light jacket and my beanie (yes, I was wearing a beanie!!) which was to cover my messy hair. And it was definitely a shorts and no-socks kind of day. I don’t know if it was equally hot yesterday since I didn’t go outside yesterday, but today, it was properly HOT. I announce today as the first day of summer or at least for me : )

Even though I was not-so-glamorously sweating around town on my bike, I had a lovely day. After picking up the paints, I met up with Mattie near Republic for a late lunch/early dinner date at a hamburger joint. Then we met up with some friends for a drink next to Saint-Martin. I can already smell holidays in the air.











– My bike and I.
– Our table side at Blend.
– Yellow gameboy.
– Mattie and his yellow gameboy. He was at a boss stage and had to continue playing.
– No evidence. You can’t see in the photo, but we had some sweet potato fries, which I was surprised and happy to see on the menu. It reminded me of Father’s Office in Santa Monica.
– A sky view from where I was seating at Chez Prune next to Saint-Martin.
– On the bike ride back home, I peeked inside the closed gate of Musée Galliera.
– Riding. Shooting while riding is probably not recommended.

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